Friday, August 28, 2009
Spreading the Drop Cloth for new Creations!
People always seem to want to know what I’m up to. What art or craft project am I smitten (okay obsessed) with today, what’s for dinner tonight, what did my table look like for last Saturday’s dinner party to honor a good friend, how I decorated for the holidays, who got what handmade gift for a birthday, or what new “green” element I’ve added to my life to do my part to preserve our planet.
Being new to blogging, but not so new to life, I am smitten with the idea of sharing my experiences with others. So in order to enhance my readers’ visits with inspiring and evocative content, I signed up for a four week blog triage class with Alyson Stanfield and Cynthia Morris.
Initially my blog was born out of a passion for living a deliberate and satisfying life beginning with a sort of “stop the madness” attitude about our stuff – especially our obsession to have so much of it! See now that we have it, we have stopped loving it, want to get rid of it, or worse, look to make room for more stuff.
Make This From That teaches us to take what we’ve already got and turn it into something new, beautiful, and useful. But as I started exploring the concept, I made some new friends along the way and found that visitors to the blog wanted even more. They were interested in dropping by for some inspiration in their day. It’s as if they were sitting at my kitchen table with something delicious to nibble on and a cup of tea just to see what I’ve been up to. Some days it’s to ooh and aah over a recent rummage sale planter I adopted to store fabric in. Other days it’s a delicious recipe to inspire better eating using seasonal ingredients or revisit forgotten recipes. Maybe even a terrific color combination to incorporate into their wardrobe.
Discovery in the day to day, expressing ourselves through art, and especially giving to others by creating a legacy through loving hands is one way to bring new meaning to life in these unsettling time and also a way to inspire my hungry readers.
Question: What would you like your legacy to be? Will your great-grand children know your first name? Well, if you’re not going to be president, there are other options.
Think about it: Anyone out there got things in their closets that were made by their grandmothers, aunts, great-grandmothers, or grandfathers? Stop for a minute and think about how much you treasure these items. This is, in most cases, their legacy. It’s what lived on after they were gone and is full of their love through the time it took to create it. A hand-crocheted afghan, an embroidered piece of table linen, an end table, a hand-written recipe card with a favorite Thanksgiving casserole. Our generation is heaping “made in China” fodder onto the landfills. There are very few who are interested in creating family heirlooms or gifts from the heart and hand. The pleasures in our home come from production lines, plastic factories, or oil.
And then Consider this: Compare the idea of replacing the shallow gift card habit with something hand made. Even if you don’t knit, or paint, or bead, you can create something truly delightful from your kitchen – no oven required, and in less time than it takes to run to the local BIG BOX store for that card. AND you’ll save money, and probably your health or even the planet!
It’s time to rethink what we’d like our legacy to be and act on it in small steps that result in a wonderful journey to a happier, more satisfying life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Move This From That
Greetings everyone! So sorry it's been so long, but I'm moving! Actually my husband has already moved and I'm just waiting for the truck to come and take the rest of our belongings and furnishings to our new digs.
The last month has been about MAD renovations to our kitchen (note "before and after" pics) and finishing projects around the place in order to put the ol' For Sale sign out front pronto.
The emotional rollercoaster is a blast, let me tell you, but I find that talking to yourself constantly is like having an imaginery friend and you can abuse them without recourse.
The computer will soon be disconnected and loaded onto the truck, so I'll be out of touch for a bit. So much to write about and I promise I will entertain you all with amusing (horror) stories from the experience.
In the meantime, don't wander off. I need you!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Favorites on Friday
Oh wait....what's that in the background? Um is that a map? Why is there a map? Well, I might as well spill...We're pulling up tent stakes and heading west! To St. Louis. Never been there and will be moving there without even seeing it! Gotta really love a guy to do this...and I do. I love a fresh start and adventure. Both guaranteed in this story, I think. So if anyone out there knows someone I should meet in St. Louis, please let me know, cuz I need friends! Packing up my studio, kitchen, pups, and purses is going to be a BIIIIIG challenge... Better get to it.
But one more thing:
How cute are these? They are basically iron-on patches made in cute shapes. Pefect to add to a bag, jacket, jeans, pillow, or you name it. These came from rikrak and I highly suggest you support this lovely lady, but I think I'm also going to try making a few of my own using fusible web and some vintage prints I've been squirelling away for just such an occasion or project. I think it'll be a great way to use up all those scraps that are too small for even a quilt block and too nice to toss!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A package arrives, lumpy and bumpy. I don't recognize the return address, but something tells me it could be yarn and it is! Etsy. So bad, but so good.
It's hazy hot and humid in PA this week. No A/C in the windows at this house until the new paint cures, so we're hanging out in the basement a lot where it's very comfortable. And what do I do when the weather is hot? Make soup of course! Don't you? Made Ina's Vegetable Lentil Soup and Italian Escarole soup with white beans and bacon. Can heat and eat all week for lunches since the kitchen is virtually out of commission while getting sanded and painted.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
computers... Why do we trust them?
I accidently posted today on my OTHER blog which I am trying to phase out, but blogger (let's call it clogger) won't cut and paste the text from there to here, so now you have click over there cuz I can not fathom retyping it this morning... But please do stop over...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Freaking Friday already

Who says we don't look like our dogs?
Kira (my dog) is under the weather. She has had an upset stomach of the worst kind (speaking as the cleaning up person) ever since she was picked up from the kennel last Monday. Dave and I spent a glorious weekend in the Poconos with some really favorite friends hiking, biking, story telling, laughing, and eating great food (natch.) Kira and Rooty spent the time at "Mimi's Bed and Biscuit." From the name alone, you know this place is top shelf and the dogs get the utmost special treatment. Music, air conditioning, lots of socializing. Kira says, "Pfffthttt". Kira would like nothing better than to stay at home FOREVER and not be subjected to change, or vacation, or grandma's house, or vet visits, or God forbid...grooming. So when I picked her up I got the happy dance from go-with-the-flow Rooty and Kira looked askance and played the despondency/guilt card on me.
So the "squirts" started next day and the vet instructed us to give her the ol' Pepto Bismal treatment. I could tell you she hated it, but it would be obvious if you saw her with the now permanent pink whiskers that frame her lovely white face. Next we moved onto the rice and boiled hamburger diet- which she thought was great. However Dan Dan the Painter Man continues to work on the outside of our home and is surprising her (and all of us from time to time - just ask my husband about his streaking experience...) anyway, she FREAKS every time she sees him in the window. And then the mailman throws the mail through the slot and did I mention we've torn apart the kitchen moving their kennels (her safe haven) to a new location? THE GIRL IS STRESSED.
So today we made a trip over to the vet since I had to get up three times with her last night to make a yard run, and the stress diagnosis was called. She's taking some medicine to kill some the excess bacteria in her gut and on some special dog food, which she is tollerating thankfully. It's hard to explain to Rooty all the special treatment, including new food and car rides that Kira gets, so now I'm getting the silent treatment from her. We'll see how it goes.
I was so hoping for some good doggie antidepressants that I might perhaps test in my own wine glass, but the vet may have spotted the look of "close to the edge" on my own face and decided to stay away from that treatment altogether.
Oh well. Back to yoga. Ohmmmmmm.
Oh wait, it's Friday night. Back to merlot!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Cherry Season
Woot! Woot! The cherries are here in a big way and they look amazing this season! My favorites are the Rainier Cherries that are a lovely golden color with a swipe of red blush on their plump cheeks. They have a slightly tarter bite than a Bing Cherry, and then they burst with the familliar sweet.
The snap and splash of eating a fresh, ripe cherry is an annual food love fest for me. I eat them all day long and look for new and interesting ways to share them with my friends.
Here's a recipe from the Ball Book of preserving, a magazine/booklet that the canning jar company has put out every year since 1909! Looking over the one with the recipe I'm about to give, I can't tell you which year this one is from but there's a luscious lemon-looking tart on the cover with a heaping pile of raspberries in the middle. The annual publication covers all the basics of canning and freezing foods including things like pickling, jellies and jams, butters, infusions, and condiments - to use virtually anything you can pull from the garden and then they make you a dedicated follower for life by adding many recipes for new and interesting ways to use the bounty from your Victory Garden.
Yield: About 6 half-pints
3 (12 oz) bags frozen sweet cherries, thawed and drained; or 36-40 ounces fresh pitted cherries
1 pkg powdered pectin
3/4 almond liqueur (I used a generic "Amaretto")
3 Tbsp lemon juice (fresh please!)
4 1/2 cups sugar
While you make the jam, prep your canning jars according to Ball's Blue book or manufacturers instructions.
Finely chop cherries. Combine cherries, powdered pectin, almond liqueur and lemon juice in a large saucepot. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Return to a rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if neccesary. Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Adjust two-piece caps. Process 10 minutes in a boiling-water canner.
The snap and splash of eating a fresh, ripe cherry is an annual food love fest for me. I eat them all day long and look for new and interesting ways to share them with my friends.
Here's a recipe from the Ball Book of preserving, a magazine/booklet that the canning jar company has put out every year since 1909! Looking over the one with the recipe I'm about to give, I can't tell you which year this one is from but there's a luscious lemon-looking tart on the cover with a heaping pile of raspberries in the middle. The annual publication covers all the basics of canning and freezing foods including things like pickling, jellies and jams, butters, infusions, and condiments - to use virtually anything you can pull from the garden and then they make you a dedicated follower for life by adding many recipes for new and interesting ways to use the bounty from your Victory Garden.
Yield: About 6 half-pints
3 (12 oz) bags frozen sweet cherries, thawed and drained; or 36-40 ounces fresh pitted cherries
1 pkg powdered pectin
3/4 almond liqueur (I used a generic "Amaretto")
3 Tbsp lemon juice (fresh please!)
4 1/2 cups sugar
While you make the jam, prep your canning jars according to Ball's Blue book or manufacturers instructions.
Finely chop cherries. Combine cherries, powdered pectin, almond liqueur and lemon juice in a large saucepot. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Return to a rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if neccesary. Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Adjust two-piece caps. Process 10 minutes in a boiling-water canner.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Meet my new inspiration, Alisa Burke!

If you haven't yet discovered Alisa Burke I strongly suggest you run right over to her blog and see the fantastic work she's doing. I say work, because she is one of the lucky ones who left her day job just about 2 weeks ago and is flying without a net doing her art full time.
I happen to be thrilled to be taking a couple of her on line workshops, read her book cover to cover, am knee deep in this crazy playful process she uses which is all about cheap thrills, freedom and play - which is what I always want art to be. Don't you?
She also has an Etsy shop where you can score her items like this one pictured here. Don't you just love the graffiti chic attitude of it?
I haven't blogged too much lately. I am reading Sister Diane's (Craftypod fame) e-book on blogging and it has really gotten me thinking about what I want to accomplish with this project. I don't think the world is all that interested in my day to day life as an unemployed person stuck in the limbo land of having been a career driven wife and mother, to an empty nester on the verge of some big changes which could include a move. So I'm focusing on things we could all use a little more of in our life: INSPIRATION. Don't you just love that jolty all-consuming feeling of a new passion or project, friend you've just met, or job well done? I know I do. Just like I'm feeling right now with what Alisa is offering through her style of art and technique - a am inspired and it feels awesome. It's times like these that have me desperate to be in the studio making lots of mess and cranking out the projects. So let me know what's inspiring you these days. It's a feel good feeding frenzy!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Good morning blogger friends!
I just found this neat place that offers recipes for making your own shampoo. The best part (for me) is that you can "flavor" it with all sorts of scents depending on your mood or liking. Check it out!
I just found this neat place that offers recipes for making your own shampoo. The best part (for me) is that you can "flavor" it with all sorts of scents depending on your mood or liking. Check it out!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Something Blue for the Bride
So if you've got a bride to shower this month, here's an idea for a lovely, sentimental gift for her:
Inserted into this embossed "bodice" is a sweet vintage hanky that would be detached from the top and carried on the big day.
The ensemble hangs from copper hanger and comes all wrapped in tissue and celophane and tied with an organza (white) bow. You can find them at my Etsy Shop,of course, or make one yourself.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tray Transformation
So two weeks ago I'm at my very favorite place to treasure hunt these days -Wednesday half off day at the Salvation Army- I spotted this little nothing on the bottom shelf of the housewares dept. A long bamboo tray about 16" by about 8". No missing parts, no construction issues. Clean. Any time I find a little gem like this I am always happier if it has a function, which a tray certainly does. So at $1.99 I couldn't resist. (by the way, why can't stores stop trying to manipulate me by putting these kinds of prices on things? We all know it's 2 bucks! It offends me.)
Anyway, I digress... Back home "we" (the tray and I) spent time together in my studio getting to know one another and I began pulling together Asian inspired things that I thought I could use to pimp the thing and so after several layers of sponge painting, some decoupage of various papers and images, rubber stamping, as well as a sprinkling of ephemera, it is now transformed into something new, functional, and lovely!
Although I wouldn't put food directly on it, it does have a final coat of polyurethane to protect it from spillage and such.
Actually I think it would look super hung low on a wall just above a table top or set into a small black easle at the back of a side table in a guest bedroom, entryway, or hall. Its tall stature would make an excellent backdrop for an Asian inspired vignette.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Butterflies signify Transformation
To me, nothing signifies transformation more than a butterfly. I mean, going from being a worm into something so lovely and delicate simply by wrapping up in some handspun and going to sleep is my idea of fantasy.
After finishing this cake for a customer (from my catering days who still calls me) I added that little pink butterfly to the card. A new teacher is born.
Today is Finish It Up Friday and the list of things I have started this week is so long it will cause me to drink wine at 8:30 am this morning if I attempt to list it all, so I'm going to skip that and move right on into it.
The weekend is upon us and I love all that it has promised, beginning with my husband coming home from a week long business trip that has spanned 10 weeks and I will celebrate with a couple of chicks tonight on a deck to be named later.
Baseball, grills, art, and swinging are all on my agenda for this one.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A list of plus and minus for is Wednesday right?
..........oh right,
It's 50% off Wednesday at Salvation Army.
I have way too much stash to justify going over and adding to it.
I have a dinner invitation tonight and my host tells me Ina Garten is on the menu!
It's 10:30 and I'm still on line in my PJs with a big consignment order to deliver before the end of the week that isn't even in the cutting stages yet.
It's a gloomy, dark day - great for sewing and crafting
The bouncing barometric pressure has provided me with a nagging sinus headache turning my motivation into mush
Netflix just delivered Season 4 of Project Runway to my door.
I just want to watch it all day with my knitting!
I am a happy, healthy person with the world on a string...
nuf said.
PS: The apron isn't my design, only inspiration for some dresses I need to slice and dice. I'm thinking aprons on the horizon.
Monday, June 1, 2009
A Gorgeous Monday in May
It's the final day of May and I am delighted that it's a perfect one. After a really fun weekend filled with a perfect mixture of fun and productivity, it's onto a new week filled with the promise of learning, listening, and crafting. I have leftovers for dinner and no chores that have to get done, so the workshop is mine! Hmmmm. Now what to choose. I think since it's a really sunny, dry day I'm going to pass on the sewing or knitting, or workshop crafts - maybe tonight though after the sun goes down but the energy level remains. Instead I'll opt for my second round of handmade paper making. My last episode turned out so well and it was so much fun, I couldn't wait to get back to it. So I'm off to dig out the blender and all my toys to play the morning away.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Finish It Up Friday
A wise woman named PEACHES said that if you start something new on a Friday you'll never finish it. So I'm declaring it "Finish It Up Friday" and the list (okay, PILE) of things to finish is longer than they allow in these blog posts! I think there should also be a "one sock sunday" or something too cuz I've got a few single socks about to be finished before starting into the second.
I think I may be officially done knitting things that have to be seamed. This is not a fun part of knitting for me and I am paying a lot of attention to all things knit in the round on my future projects. The lovely, tweedy, unfinished looking sweater above is actually cotton and will make a nice addition to my summer wardrobe. But first I have the arduous task of putting it together and adding the button band - another non favorite part of knitting. I'm considering making some buttons from poly clay so I can say that the entire garment is made by moi.
Spent a cool and lovely evening in my workshop last night playing with paint and mixing media in new ways. Found a bamboo tray at Salvation Army this week that I am upcycling into a really cool serving piece for saki or tea - or wall art if that's your decor. Stay tuned, it'll be up soon and over in the Etsy shop for a great bridal shower or birthday gift.
On The Menu Tonight
Well, since it is Finish It Up Friday, I'm using some cooked chicken meat to make a chicken pot pie with fresh coleslaw to go with. I'll use crack-open crescent rolls for the top crust and a bag of mixed veggies instead of chopping my own. A bechamel sauce (2 Tbsp butter melted with 2 Tbsp flour cooked to thickness) gets 1 cup of chicken stock, 1 tsp thyme, the frozen veggies and chicken meat and it's made! Arrange the rolls on top and bake at about 350 for around 20 minutes, or until the rolls are nicely browned. It's a real time saving recipe, but I'll need that to get all those projects FINISHED today! They key is to have the cooked chicken meat on hand. You can use a store bought rotisserie bird or cook up a few bone in chicken breasts and bag up the meat for the freezer for future needs. Either way, it can be a quick meal that everyone will love.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
There are just so many things to make from treasures found in various places. Whether it's a fern to press into a book from the earth's floor during a Memorial Day hike, or a three footed box at a yard sale, the ill fitted designer shirt from the back of your closet that's just too good to part with, or a thrift store treasure that no one else can see the value of but you; the possibilities as they say, are endless. Today's treasure was small in its inventory, but my stash is starting to take over a spare bedroom, so I had to be somewhat picky. This dress, OMG what can I say, the amazing trim, with beads and bells, goes all the way from the shoulder/neck to the hem (mid calf) and then there's more around the sleeves. The fabric is heavy and gorgeous with a great mixed print of indigo, plum, and gold. I can not wait to play with it. I'm thinking a bag, or an apron, or both - there's that much. Let me know if you've got ideas.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Treasure of the Day
So how much do I love 50% off Wednesdays at the Salvation Army? Way too much. Here's a picture of this week's treasure. Now this is not something that will be upcycled into something new, but can be pressed back in to service just as they are.
These lovelies will come out on Tea Party day when I treat all my chickie friends to an afternoon of lady like activities - pinkies extended and everything!
As you can see from my blog's banner, I'm all about the butterfly. Nothing to me signifies transformation better than they, so these dishes found their way to my shopping cart and the rest they say, is history...
I'm off to the woods with Dave and the dogs. We both need some time with nature. The man has been traveling for 9 1/2 weeks and is drained.
I've an issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors for hammock time and I'm bringing along my flower press to pick up some woodland treasures as we hike along the lovely trails of Pennsylvania.
Check back with me on Monday and I'll be talking about little girl skirts -- but not to wear. You'll see!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lunchbox Napkins from Shirts - Part 2
After washing your shirt, and ironing if necessary, cut away all the pieces that you won't need for this project- collar, sleeves, front button bands, and back yoke. And in the spirit of Miss Julia Child who said, "Save the liver!" please save your buttons and bits of fabric that can be stashed for future endeavors. What you're left with will be some nice large flat pieces and you can fit a square template onto them wherever they fit in order to cut. A men's large dress shirt should net at least 5 napkins and you can slice open sleeves to get a couple more.
I happen to have a nice quilters template about 9 1/2 inches (but it should be noted that I don't have a serger! but I digress...) but you can easily use a cardboard template or just measure. A template is good if you plan to make a lot of napkins and want to cut quickly. I also use a rotary cutter (it's fun and I happen to have one - though I do not own a serger...woe is me.) A rotary cutter allows you to cut through 3 or 4 layers at once, improving your efforts - like a serger does when it comes to sewing... (There's no way my husband's going to read this and get the hint about the serger, so it's futile to go on about it ya know?)
If you do own a serger (I hate you first of all,) you can now simply surge all edges and you are done. I, on the other hand, will be moving to the next steps? Hmm. Let's proceed:
Turn each edge in about 1/4 to 1/2 inch and press all around. I like to turn my corners in first, making a little triangle in each corner and then turning the side edges under. This way you get nice mitered corners. But it's your call.
Using a zig zag stitch, buzz around all four edges catching the rough edge to prevent fraying.
Give a nice press, fold and stack and you're done.
I'm sincerely grateful that my very adequate sewing maching has a zigzag stitch. Some machines don't. My inner brat is now silenced and you are on your way to making eco-friendly napkins to carry to work and school. Rock on!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tutorial for Lunchbox Napkins from Men's Shirts. Part One -Select and Cut
Start with men's shirts. I like to scour Salvation Army on 50% off Wednesdays as well as yard sales - go toward the end of the day when shirts go for a quarter! Here's what to look for:
1. Look for quality fabric and interesting prints. Stains will happen! So prints and stripes are your friend. Put your hand inside and see if you can see it through the fabric. If yes, pass on it. A light weight denim, or tightly woven cotton works well. Think bandana, not hanky type material. Should feel heavy for its size.
2. Check the labels. I find the manly man designers always work: Eddie Bauer, LL Bean, Faded Glory, Gap, etc. And if you find that occasional superstar like a Ralph Lauren or better, by all means get it, but consider if you might not want to use it for something better than face toilet paper!
3. Avoid polyester. No more than 20%. It doesn't abosorb. Whenever possible, cotton or linen is best.
4. The larger the better. A men's size small or even medium isn't going to make a lot of napkins, but if it's good quality and a great price, get it and mix it with a sister fabric to complete a napkin set. I like at least 5 in a set - one for every weekday at school or the office.
5. Look for stains in key places and sniff for BO. I'm not kidding. Check the inside of the shirt for a yellowish stain. If it's there, walk away- you're putting these napkins into your face.
6. Check for rips and holes. If they are in the button area, it won't matter, if they are on the back where the most fabric lives, you're not going to have many napkins.
I like to look at fashion sites and magazines for inspiration on color. This season seems to be showing a lot of citrus colors - bright orange, yellows, and greens. But these colors aren't often found in menswear, so consider tropical print shirts in fun designs. Consider who'll be using the napkins - conservative man or woman, child, teen, youself, gift, to sell.
You can also use women's skirts or shirts for napkins. There isn't always much yardage, but it depends on the find. Again, check the label for fabric type - cotton and linen are what you want.
Come home and admire your treasures! And note the money you still have in your pocket - these babies are everywhere and they are cheap. We Americans seem to think we need to keep hundreds of these shirts in our closets at one time. Good for you for repurposing them into new life and keeping them out of the landfill.
Wash everything and dry it in the dryer - if this is how you'll be washing the napkins.
And now, we cut.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today Is the First Day of the Rest of My Blog Life
So to celebrate...we're making lunchbox napkins of course!
These beauties were once a man's dress shirt and I found it on half price day yesterday at the Salvation Army for a mere $.99.
Come back tomorrow for a complete tutorial on how to make them yourself! If you too are one of those wonderful people who walk to school and carry your lunch and want to stop using paper napkins to save those awesome things we like to call TREES, here's something fun and easy to make. Lunchbox napkins are smaller than a dinner napkin, but bigger than a cocktail napkin - about 9 inches square. There will be a selection of them for sale this weekend on my brand new Etsy Shop. So this next pic looks like guy shirts hanging on the line on laundry day right? NOT. These babies will be sliced up into lunchbox sized napkins to take to work - I make them in packs of 5 (okay, do the math, 1 for each week day) and they get tossed into the laundry on the weekend ready to go for Monday again! (Note: If you are fortunate enough to only do laundry once every 2 weeks, you might want to buy/make 2 sets...)
So in the mean time, let's take time to get to know each other. I welcome your comments and emails!
Day 1 and there's a LOT to do and talk about. The purpose of this blog will be to provide me (and now you) with an inspiration station on
the train ride of crafting life with upcycling in mind.
As I dreamed up this blog ( I had a false start with a blog already and ran it off into a ditch somewhere, but I think this is way better and it's got a purpose.) anyway, as I dreamed up this blog I filled three pages of a spiral bound notebook with ideas for transforming (or upcycling to use the buzz word) things from our stash, trash, and treasure hunts that we can transform into beautiful, and hopefully really useful new things. I know, right? Isn't that great? I am very excited. If you love to shop, have no money, and long for more creativity in your life - welcome!
So let's get started. (Note to self: I may need to add a website to all this, cuz there's a lot of categories and things to cover. But we'll see - I don't know how yet... )
And please note that I am CLUELESS about this social networking Internet technology. Wish I had a 7 year old who could teach it to me. But I am spending massive amounts of time on line trying to pick it up here and there and I've got the beginnings.
Stopping by (and hopefully subscribing to) this blog means you are hungry for inspiration, the meaning of daily life, humor, recipes for food - cuz we gotta eat right? and you have no idea what to have for dinner cuz you've been crafting all day, and especially to reuse what you may already have, or can hunt for in cool and interesting new ways.
I know everyone likes visuals, so there's going to be plenty-o-pictures expressing how I really feel and can't say in words. I am a visual learner, so will pass that on to you by using lots of pics in my tutorials. Always wanted to be a teacher, but was told by Mr. Madden (el Guidance Counsellor in 1973) that they were a dime a dozen. Heavy sigh. And go figure, here's my big chance. Let's hope I don't blow it!
Catch you tomorrow. Dust off your sewing machine, paint brushes, and workbench.
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